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31 years old   Ammon, United States


a woman, looking for a woman aged 18-35
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5.3ft-5.6ft (161cm-170cm)
About me:
If I like this website, I'll add more photos.Q: Have you had your [insert body part here] done? A: NO. I definitely have not. Not my tits, not my lips, not anything. I have not had any plastic surgery of any kind done. � my self summaryI'm an evil genius, a supervillainess, but am lacking a spiffy fleet of minions. So I joined this... elitething. I NEED minions!! It's getting ridiculous. So please apply (and suffer), or don't apply and suffer. The latter is worse, I let loose the hound(s), Cerberus. He is adorable, don't you just love his cute little fanged heads? "Awws ywoo awe swooo kwoot! Who's a gewd wittle demon? Ywoo are! Ywes woo are!! Now go kill something..." (Did you actually read that? xP)Let's Get Random... I'm actually a sweet person to the ones I care for. Just don't get on my bad side. I'm quite savvy at conversing, whether it's about important topics, intriguing debates, or just sillyness. As long as you interest me enough to do so. BUT I know how to shut up and listen. Basically, I can have a decent conversation - both qualities are required somewhat. I'm very sexual, but I'm not sex-driven. I think there's often a confusion between the two. Don't confuse "sexual" with "slutty". I don't let being sexual control me, or make my decisions. Which is why it doesn't drive me to make foolish choices. I respect myself more than that. Yay primal carnalism mixed with amatory passion. Too bad people are atrocious at this combination.I did have what I wanted sexually from a male and female here, and was going to go into more detail. However, strangers think this somehow opens up a discussion on my personal predilections. Auf Wiedersehen.* I'm not going to tell you my life story on here, or all the facts about me. That leaves stuff for you to ask.What I'm doing with my life: Making Weapons of Mass Destruction. Art projects. Taking over Mankind. Saving the Animals. And poking people with sticks while making sarcastic comments at them.Oh, and working on my evil laugh. MWA...HA...HAHAHAHA...HAHAHAHAHhahahHAHAHA!!!! Hmm... needs more spit in the eye.I'm really good at: being little miss ray of sunshine, isn't it obvious?? Making ruins of lives. Being a sponge of probably useless, but nevertheless entertaining (to the intellectual) information. Etc.My favorite books, movies, music, foods, etc Under construction.Books: She's Come Undone, Bad Kitty, The Amelia Peabody Series, etc. Movies: Horror

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