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32 years old   Deep River, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 18-55
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5.3ft-5.6ft (161cm-170cm)
About me:
I'm putting myself through college right now and have mostly given up on guys my own age. Having been living on my own since I was 16, I've grown up fast and now find most men at my university lack maturity. I speak German, fluently and would like to learn Thai, Arabic and Gaelic. I love to travel. I've seen a good portion of Europe and central America but would love to see the rest of the world, and It's a personal goal of mine to live on the six inhabitable continents before I die. I've already lived on three. I'm very adventurous. My friends describe me as spontaneous, fearless, and intense; a combination that has led me to bungee jumping, rock climbing, and anything else I get the opportunity to try. I love music. I've been a dancer, cheerleader and choreographer and have danced in nearly every style to include belly dancing, hip-hop and jazz and enjoy all forms of performance art, particularly musicals; The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite. I'm very careful with the use of the word "friend," because I value friendship very highly. But over all, I'm very much a guys girl. I'm not very high-maintenance and I enjoy, sports (especially hockey), camping and firearms. I've never been afraid to get my hands dirty.

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