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44 years old   Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom


a woman, looking for a man aged 26-44
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5ft-5.25ft (151cm-160cm)
About me:
Much of my time is devoted to my son, but when I get the chance I love to get out and enjoy some adult time! I love to play and/or watch sports, dance, and just laugh!! I am involved in all of my son's sports and he will always be a top priority in my life, but that doesn't mean I never make time for a special someone...there just has to be balance! I do take time away every year to do some traveling, both with my son and without. I enjoy seeing new places and meeting new people. I am a very easy person to get to know! I care about people sometimes to a fault but that is who I am. I am a professional and want someone who can appreciate that and not feel intimidated by it. Someone who can appreciate me in sweats and yet understand I also will dress to the hilt when they want me to go somewhere special. I am not the woman who embarrasses you in public, I am social and can make acquaintances anywhere. I am a child at heart and still see beauty in most everything. I like to play like a kid from time to time and try to get my friends to let go and laugh as much as I can. I tend to see the good in people more than anything in hopes that I can help them to see it too! If someone believes in you it helps you want to strive for better so why not want everyone to feel like they are better?! I don't anger easy and have a lot of patience. When I get stressed I tend to cook or go out under the stars. When I can't make "heads or tails" of a situation I am usually quiet and thinking. I don't like to be pushed to talk or explain my thoughts during that time as I hate blurting out thoughts that really have no place other than they were floating through my head. Sometimes people speak and later wish they could take what they said back but it is too late. I don't like that, but I always try not to say goodbye or goodnight while upset. I am a loyal, trustworthy, and fun type of gal and I am just looking for someone that will walk along with me and laugh the rest of our lives!

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