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41 years old   Nashville, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 29-42
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About me:
So here i'm supposed to spout off a bunch rhetoric about myself to give you some inkling into what kind of human being i am . . .i don't believe all the words in the world could describe someone to the point that you would actually get a believable impression of them. i think you have to meet them in the flesh. However, I'll divulge a few things i suppose just for the fun of it and because i happen to have nothing else to do at this passion first and foremost in the realm of creativity is writing, second to that would be music. Above all I love expression through art and see art as anything created... be it a garden, a home cooked meal, or a letter to a family member... nature is art... my church/sanctuary is in the woods, or on a trail hiking... i love water sources too river, beach, lake waterfall whatever. i am most at home outdoors. that's not to say i don't love the draw of a nice pub with close friends! ;) i do my share of tasting frosty beverages and trying to make light of life in a world that is so heavy laden as of late.Have I said enough yet? there's a lot to me... i'm multifaceted. you should probably ask... i'm open and honest.

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