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44 years old   Glen Davis, Australia


a woman, looking for a man aged 32-45
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5.61ft-5.9ft (171cm-180cm)
About me:
I aspire to live in the present and have the courage to take chances. I want to be able to throw away the garbage that has piled up over the years and learn to just be, without unrealistic expectations. I want to love by experiencing and not by telling. I want to use my creative side as an outlet for my thoughts and energy and as a way of sharing my talents and insights with others. I'm not afraid to step out of the familiar. I come alive in new and exciting situations. My personality shines through under the right circumstances. For instance, when I am surrounded by like minded people I am confident that I am charming, witty and intelligent and I get a natural high. I also get a natural high from performing either on stage or in front of the camera. There's nothing like getting lost in a character. When I allow the character to truly take over and show her colors, my adrenaline goes through the roof. It's an out of body experience; the world stands still and for a moment nothing else matters.

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